New Year Resolutions

Kimberly Jurgen

A Template for New Year’s Resolutions for Performers

created by Kimberly Jurgen, Commercial & Career teacher


I, ________________________, create this contract to assist me in achieving my career goal of ___________________________.


RESOLVED, to achieve my goal, I am willing to _________________. I am not willing to ________________________. (This can be the types of projects you will/won’t choose or the types of support jobs you will/won’t consider or even moral boundaries. Basically, any line in the sand for what is and isn’t an option for you.)


RESOLVED, I will make choices that improve my physical, emotional and mental health.


RESOLVED, I will start each day grateful for 3 things. (Studies show that having a grateful attitude makes you happier today and improves your long-term well-being by 10%.)


RESOLVED, I will create a budget for the year so that I may be fiscally responsible for my business. (As a performer, you are a business owner. Budgets and strategic plans are essential to the success of any business.)


RESOLVED, I will get training in the fields necessary for my success. (This may include languages or accents, martial arts or stunts, surfing or line-dancing, as well as acting and audition classes. Also consider having a coach to help you prepare for auditions and record eco-castings.)


RESOLVED, I will read and understand all contracts before signing. (Essential for non-union performers.)


RESOLVED, I will make use of the resources available to me, which include ___________________. (Several industry news organizations have free e-alerts or social media sites to keep you informed. Union members have many free training and networking opportunities. Also consider beneficial member organizations, such as Women in Film or AAA.)


RESOLVED, I will limit time spent on things that do not assist in preparing me for success. (This is anything that is a distraction or a time void. May be video games or excessive social media or tv time. Even a useful tool can become a hindrance when it isn’t mindfully applied.)


RESOLVED, I will remember that I have a voice and a purpose, which I will honor with my words and actions.


These will get you started and hopefully encourage you to personalize your agreement for your own career goals. Once completed, sign and date your contract with yourself. And post it in a prominent place where you can be reminded daily of your intention.


Remember that these resolutions are just for one year in your life. And this list can be amended at any time.


If you would like assistance in planning your year ahead, we encourage you to consider our career class, How to Hit the Ground Running, where we help you with your goals and creating a path to success. Click here for more info about this class.



